Futurekids Honored at National NECC Conference for Key Contributions in Hurricane-Ravished Schools

Dzana Homan, CEO of Futurekids, was honored for key contributions as part of the Hurricane Education Leadership Project team on Wednesday, June 23, 2007 in Atlanta during the National Educational Computing Conference. Ms. Homan co-chairs the Instructional/Professional Development/21st Century Schools Committee.

The committee is responsible for support, consulting and providing educational technology-related resources at no, or minimal cost to schools that were damaged or destroyed and to students who have been displaced as a result of the hurricane.

Terry Smithson, manager of the HELP Team Program and Education Program Manager with Intel Corporation, presented Ms. Homan with the award.
“On behalf of the entire HELP team, we’d like to extend our sincere gratitude,” Smithson commented. “Ms. Homan’s active participation has been crucial to the team’s success.”

“Helping the Gulf State schools after Hurricane Katrina was clearly the right thing to do, and I received a lot of help from my committee,” Homan said. “I want to personally thank everyone who contributed to the efforts, which are still ongoing.”

The committee is made up of key members of many of the nation’s top technology educators, companies and organizations including Intel, Apple Computer, McGraw-Hill, Dell Computer, Scholastic, Carnegie Learning, and SMART Technologies. Key2Ed, Ignite Learning, DyKnow, Thinkronize, eInstruction, Cable in the Classroom. Pitsco, the Princeton Review, ISTE, SIIA, Tiger Woods Learning Center, Impact Partnerships and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools are also involved.

About the Help Team
For more information about the HELP Team, log onto http://www.educationhelpteam.org/.

About Futurekids
Futurekids is the premier provider of technology teacher training solutions for schools and universities around the world. Futurekids has a 22-year record of success in technology education. Their core competency is providing technology training as it relates to teaching and learning. They have relationships and achievements with many key educational partners such as Intel,
IBM and Dell.

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